Episode 11 Pastor Carla Davis

Today On How Do You View You I sit down with my cousin Pastor Carla Davis, pastor of Trumpet & Zion Ministries. She explains a church with no walls and her relationship with God. Also, trying to live as close to Christ like in a very un-Christlike atmosphere.

Carla was born and raise in Richmond, Ca. She lived a very different life than most, but still way to common in these days and times. Drug use, prostitution, and homelessness all leading her to start Trumpet & Zion Ministries. It was a rocky road and she has came through it all with one goal. That goal is helping those who are like her to get where she is today. “Prayer in the Park” in East Oakland with raffles and information to get on the right track is what she offers and delivers.

I talk to Carla about her goals for the ministry and plans to bring the word to the masses. Her main aim is women health, well-being, and mental state. Holding seminars to battle their way back from the streets. I was not clear on how to help people who may not be ready for help. Giving the perfect answer, she says, “God waits, so shall I, I will be here when they need me.” Even though I do not believe in God the way most folks believe. I do enjoy the thought of helping people, and if helping my cousin is the way I am to help the so be it.

The future for Pastor Davis seems very bright. She maintains a Facebook presence and has prayer line on at least 3 times a week. The aim is to ultimately have a women’s retreat. That will meet once a month where woman can stay, pray, and get healthy. All in order to do battle with obstacles in these streets. In my personal opinion, it will be a very hard road, but she seems up to it and very excited about it. Please enjoy the episode. Thank you for listening to “How Do You View You” podcast, Hosted by Griffinstein.  Pastor Davis Trumpet & Zion Ministries.https://www.itsthedark.com


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