Episode 2 Diana Jones

Griffinstein brea's healing hands, the porch


I sat down with Diana Jones, gardener, maintenance person, and organic enthusiast. We spoke about pursuing a healthy lifestyle enriched with organic consumables as not only as food, but as medicine. She also is owner of The Porch and Brea’s Divine Hands Intuitive Massage. Diana and her wife Brea’s lifestyle is to get the freshest consumables and experiences to people in the City of Oakland. She is in the process of securing plots of land to start growing food throughout her community. Hoping to foster a feeling from an older age where bartering and community was on everyone’s mind.

Along with her wife Briona, they attack inflammation and other afflictions. The results of “bad” food with an holistic approach of clean food paired with massage and mindful meditation. Because, at Brea’s Divine Hands you can can get your body and your mind right. Organic Enthusiast get used to the phrase. You will hear more these is a movement that will “grow”. We also touch on medical marijuana and edibles, that she also makes on site.

        She speaks on the LGBTQ community and explains her part in it. Diana and Briona are entrepreneurs and positive people trying to bring their community closer. Diana plans to have a barter system and “leases” yards in the community to grow her produce. All based on the barter system, the way it works is that she asks to use a persons yard and barter with work performed on the person’s house, fixing gates, walls or whatever the owner wants. She is a handy person and a premier landscaper. Please sit back and relax, and be entertained.


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