Episode 16 – A 100 Years w/ Lejon, Patrick, and Dante

Griffinstein chops it up with Lejon, Patrick, and Dante. They talk about being incarcerated young with a 40 year sentence and seeing the outside despite all odds. Each man has a distinct and riveting story of faith, patience, and strength. All done with Islam as the motivation. They are speaking on finding themselves and others all in the name of uplifting humanity.

Lejon has an organization “Motivated 2 Help Others” his mission statement is: Serving the community with fitness/exercise. Giving to the poor, needy, and wayfare. Having positive and encouraging dialogue with the youth. Being a resource for those ex-convicts returning to society with transitional housing, drug programs and pre-apprenticeship opportunities.

Patrick has laid the groundwork for his organization DORTHY.org which stands for Defenders Of Real Truth Helping Youth. His outreach will focus on all children living on the outside of society and getting them the confidence, resources, and leadership to traverse this world they live in. Patricks goal is a world view. His aim is to be a public speaker of truth helping all over the world.

Dante will use his organization to focus on nutrition. He says, “Healthy clean food is the key to a healthy clean mind.” He has a plan to reach out to schools and children leagues to promote healthy eating habits. Hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease, are running rampant. Informing children now, he feels will curb those statistics.

Each of these men has been through trials and tribulations. With each others help and support they were able to get through what most of us could not imagine. Please stay on the look out for these organizations in the streets of Richmond, because they are out here making a difference. As Lejon says, “I destroyed a lot when I was young, it’s time to give instead of taking.” A sentiment shared by all three of these honorable Muslim men.


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